Andrzej Kisielewski - professor at the University of Białystok in east Poland, art historian, graduate of the Institute of Art History of the University of Warsaw, PhD at the Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, habilitation at the University of Warsaw at the Faculty of History. He deals with the history of art of the 20th and 21st centuries, the theory and anthropology of art, as well as contemporary visual culture. Author of books and articles on contemporary art, the relationship between art and popular culture and the so-called indigenous art, as well as industrial design, advertising and other manifestations of contemporary commercial visual culture. He practiced art criticism and essays on contemporary art - he published in publications and exhibition catalogs issued by important art institutionas in Poland, among others, by the Center of Polish Sculpture in Orońsko, the Center for Contemporary Art at the Ujazdowski Castle in Warsaw, Galeria Arsenał in Poznań, Galeria Biała in Lublin, Upper Silesian Museum in Bytom, and foreign art institutions such as Malmö Konsthall in Malmö, Springer & Winckler Galerie in Frankfurt am Main, Tel Aviv Museum of Art et al.
Author of the books:
- Karny (1995);
- Sztuka i reklama. Relacje między sztuką i kulturą [Art and advertising. Relations between art and culture [Art and advertising. Relations between art and culture] (1999);
- Prymitywizm w sztuce awangardy pierwszej połowy XX wieku. Mitologie i obrazy pierwotności [Primitivism in the art of the avant-garde of the first half of the 20th century. Mythologies and Images of Primordiality] (2011);
 - Ludzie lubią obrazy... Studia o sztuce i komercyjnej kulturze wizualnej [People like images... Studies on art and commercial visual culture] (2021).

Editor of collective works:
- Artystów gry z kulturą [Artists playing with culture] (2009);
- Sztuka i nie-sztuka. Rozważania o kulturze artystycznej, kulturze popularnej i kulturze najszerzej pojętej. Białostocka Wszechnica Kulturoznawcza 2011-2014. Część I [Art and non-art. Reflections on artistic culture, popular culture and culture in the broadest sense. Białystok Cultural University 2011-2014. Part I] (2015).

Co-editor of books:
- Kultura pragnień i horyzonty neoliberalizmu [The culture of desires and the horizons of neoliberalism] (with Wojciech J. Burszta, 2015);
- Mity, legendy i historie. Białostocka Wszechnica Kulturoznawcza 2011-2014. Część II [Myths, legends and stories. Białystok Cultural University 2011-2014. Part II] (with Alicja Kisielewska, 2016);
- Przyszłość kultury. Od diagnozy do prognozy [The future of culture. From diagnosis to prognosis] (with Alicja Kisielewska and Monika Kostaszuk-Romanowska, 2017). Author of articles in the magazines: „Idea. Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych", „Ikonotheka", „Konteksty", „Kresy", „Kultura popularna", „Kultura współczesna", „Opcje", „Rzeźba Polska", „Artes Inter Culturas", „Przestrzeń społeczna/Social space", „Culture and Education", „Więź", "Architecture et Artibus" et al.

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